'The WCB Chairman'

Labour Minister
Justice Minister
Minister of Crown Corporations
WCB Chairman
Members of the Legislative Assembly
"WCB Committee of Review", & "WCB Service Review"
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As indicated on the homepage, and as per his suggestion, I wrote the WCB Chairman to arrange a meeting regarding the Board’s unlawful disclosure of employer/employee information (click on the letter to enlarge).


In response, the WCB Chairman offered the following:


It’s important to note that the concerns I’ve raised with the Privacy Commissioner, pertain to privacy violations under “The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act”. Those I’ve raised with the Board/Chair, pertain to privacy violations under “The Workers’ Compensation Act” (section 171). The Board has “exclusive jurisdiction” over the WCB Act and as such, the Privacy Commissioner cannot investigate a contravention of it. The Chair is well aware of this fact, making his response to me nothing more than a red herring. To reiterate, the Chair had no intention of meeting with me regarding this issue, and the offer was simply a ploy to deter me from publicly pursuing it at WCB’s “Annual General Meeting”.


As also indicated on the homepage, I’ve recently discovered that my public query regarding this issue, was struck from the 'minutes' of the above stakeholder event. While the official excuse is that my question was “inaudible”, it should be noted that my family physician (seated on the opposite side of the banquet hall) clearly heard my question over the PA system. Whatsmore, if my question had in fact been inaudible, how were the CEO and Chairman able to respond to it? No, the reason my question was omitted is that the Board/Chair wanted no public record of this issue being raised.


At any rate you can view these minutes by clicking the link below (requires Adobe “Reader” or “Acrobat”):


Care to comment on the Chair's handling of this issue? Email him at: deberle@wcbsask.com

All My Websites:


“WCB: Your Right To Sue” – Click here


Saskatchewan WCB Breach Of Privacy” – Click here 


“The Saskatchewan Party: Broken Promises & Cover-ups” – Click here 


"Appealing the Saskatchewan Workers Compensation Board" – Click here 

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